Are you a talented person? Whether you see yourself that way or not, you need to know that you have at least one natural talent.
Getting locked into how something needs to be done can often hold back our teams and ourselves. When we Connect the Dots by focusing on the “why” of our project, we engage our team into a purpose that drives action and accountability.
A Mission Statement is a short statement that captures an organisation’s reason for existence. Aspirational in nature, it serves to empower, guide, and call people to action.
One of the most sought-after traits in business and in life is that of self-confidence. A belief in oneself can be a precursor to better performance, better well-being, improved social standing and even better health outcomes...but can you have too much?
Do you ever find yourself taking life for granted? Many of us seem to be constantly moving from task to task without much time to stop and take stock of where we are at.