This month, we spoke to Ali El-Ayoubi, President and CEO of The BluePrint Toolset®, Inc. With an MBA, BScN, RN, and CHE, Ali brings a wealth of experience from her diverse career in healthcare and consultancy. Ali, who recently authored "Ignite the Joy of Work: How to Get from Burnt Out to Energised While Celebrating Your Perfectly Imperfect Self," is passionate about fostering joy and engagement at work. She is actively involved in community organisations, focussing on developing leadership skills for young women and other historically disenfranchised groups. Q: Can you share a pivotal moment in your career that significantly shaped your leadership philosophy? How did it influence your approach to leading others? A: Becoming a mother significantly increased my appreciation for parents in the workforce. While work can be a source of joy and fulfilment, it is also an economic necessity. As leaders, we must recognise that our team members have passions and responsibilities outside of work. These external focuses may be temporary or seasonal, such as caring for an ill relative or managing childcare challenges. This experience led me to increase the frequency of check-ins with my team while making them shorter, ensuring a psychologically safe environment where people can express their external priorities. For example, I avoid assigning urgent tasks on the first day of school holidays when team members may face sporadic childcare. Whenever possible, I prioritise family needs and recognise that people are the best judges of their capacity. I set deadlines with built-in buffer time to ensure accountability without overwhelming my team. Q: How do you cultivate a growth mindset within your organisation, and what specific practices or habits do you encourage among your team? A: We really emphasise growth-centric language such as "for now" and "best known way." We also make a habit of checking on our processes and challenging our assumptions, to foster continuous improvement. Q: In what ways do you stay ahead of industry trends and ensure your mindset remains innovative and growth-focused? A: I read extensively, but given my current time constraints, I also rely on social media for quick, insightful updates. Q: What daily or weekly habits do you practice to maintain and develop your leadership mindset? A: I journal and frequently review my goals. I also assess my capacity wheel monthly to track where my energy has been flowing and ensure I am not neglecting any areas of my life. Achieving balance in all aspects of life allows me to be fully present and effective in my work. Q: How do you balance the need for results with the well-being of your team members? A: When people have to the tools to be well, their engagment and performance will follow. I clearly set expectations and work with them on how to best achieve that. Q: If you could go back and give one piece of advice to your younger self as a budding leader, what would it be and why? A: Invest in your physical and mental health as much as in your professional development. It's easier to be fully engaged and achieve incredible performance when your body and mind are well. Comments are closed.